Help for the Java-based Demo:

(Keep in mind that these windows are slightly different than they would be in the Windows-based version, but the theme of how the interface is used remains the same.)


The Chouette Calculator is divided into 2 main areas: The players in the choutte are divided into 3 areas: Initially, the cube area is filled with 1 cube panel for each member of the Capt team. These panels will be colored with a green background. The left half of the panel represents the box side of the board, the right half of the panel represents the capt side of the board.

Additionally, cube panels representing "extras" may be added. An "extra" is a cube which is offered by one member of the capt team to another. These panels will be colored with a red background. The left half of the panel represents the player who offered the extra (now playing the box's side of the board), the right half of the panel represents the player who accepted the extra (still playing the capt side of the board). Extras begin with the capt side holding a 2 cube. Note that incrementing an extra cube can increase the cost of the extra.

Cube values may be changed by clicking toward the top of a cube to increase its value, or toward the bottom of a cube to decrease its value.

The cube position may be changed by clicking the "Take" box where appropriate. When using the Take button, the cube value doubles automatically. Also, the cube may be reset to its initial position (centered for a green panel, to the right for a red panel) by clicking the "Reset" box.

A cashed game is represented by a yellow box with the cashed value written inside it. Cashed values may be changed by clicking toward the top of the yellow box to increment, or toward the bottom of the yellow box to decrement. Cashed values are always positive or zero, and are positioned toward the player claiming a positive cash. When the cashed value is zero, the yellow box will be positioned toward the capt side of the panel. To increment for the box, click in the appropriate area of the box's side of the panel.

A game ends when all cubes are settled. A cube is settled when a player "Drops" a cube, or when the game ends with a winner. A "Drop" can be specified by clicking the appropriate area of the cube panel. Buttons below the scoring area allow active cubes to be settled when there is a winner.

After all cubes are settled, the "Next Game" button can be used to begin the next game. The players will change position based only on whether the box shows a profit against THE captain (the first member only of the capt team). A wash with THE captain denotes a loss of position for the box.

If the box show a profit against THE captain, the box players remain the same, and the capt team is rotated. (See below)

(If Box Wins)

Otherwise, the capt team is rotated, the last member of the box team becomes the last member of the capt team, the box team players are rotated (if there are partners), and THE captain becomes the first member of the box team. (See right)

(If Capt Wins)

Adding Players

Players are added by enterring their name into the text field provided at the top of this panel. Added players are placed into Standby.

The position/ordering of the players can be changed by first selecting the name of the player to be moved from the list box, and then clicking the appropriate button to move the player. A player is added to the end of the team being moved to, so be careful to add players to teams accordingly. The only way to add a player to the top of a team is by first moving all players of that team to standby and starting from scratch.

A player cannot be removed if he has a non-zero score. This score will need to be settled first. The best you can do in this situation is to move this player to Standby pending settlement.

Adding Extras

Extras are cubes offered by one member of the captain's team to another member of the captain's team. In practice, an extra is offered by a player who drops a cube from the box to a player who accepts the same cube. The player offering the extra essentially joins the box, playing against the player accepting the extra. The player offering extra pays 1 point to the player accepting extra to hold a 2 cube. (The cost of the extra is changed by increasing or decreasing the cube value while it's in its initial position at the right of the red panel.)

An extra is added by selecting the player offering extra from the top list, selecting the player accepting extra from the bottom list, and clicking the "Add Extra" button.

Score Adjustments (Payoffs)

Scoring adjustments resulting from earlier mistakes or from payoffs are specified by selecting a player and using the provided buttons to change their score. The available buttons are: Note that each action to a player's score results in an opposite action to the overall balance. The overall balance is the amount of points which need to be settled before the changes in this panel may take effect.

The "Cancel" button will cancel any changes made since enterring this panel.

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