Gamer Cafe's Chouette Calculator helps you keep score when playing in a chouette. Designed to be flexible, the Chouette Calculator knows how to handle the cube. Check out these chouette features which are easily handled:

And, if your table has players who like to come and go, no problem. An easy to use interface lets you move players in and out of play quickly. Box partnering is also supported. So stop scribbling and start clicking!

Chouette Calculator is currently available for Windows95 and WindowsNT platforms. (A version for Windows 3.1 may become available at a later date.)

You can see screen shots of the main window and the important dialog boxes (particularly the options dialog).

If you would like to order Chouette Calculator, please follow this link for more information.

And, you can try out a demo version of Chouette Calculator if you have a java-enabled web browser. Just click here to begin.

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